Science City Infocenter
The focus of Science City development is on continuous intensive public information and participation in different phases, at different levels and in varying intensities. This also includes the operation of an information center. This is located in a room on the first floor of the building at Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10 directly opposite the Bahrenfeld harness racing track.
The Infocenter is an open meeting and information place for everyone interested in the development. The first exhibition boards, development plans, free brochures, city models made by children and edited plans from the participation workshops on the neighborhoods at Volkspark make it clear: The starting signal for the process over the next years and decades has been given; Science City is a development for everyone.
The Science City Infocenter is always open on Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm and Thursdays from 2 pm to 6 pm and is operated by Science City Hamburg Bahrenfeld GmbH.
Opening hours & address
Wednesdays: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Thursdays: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Corner of Albert-Einstein-Ring/Luruper Chaussee
Albert Einstein Ring 8–10