A new location for interdisciplinary research, teaching and learning went into operation at the start of the 2024 summer semester.
Digital natural sciences, bioinformatics and the basic practical course for physics students at Universität Hamburg: new synergies in scientific collaboration are being created at Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10. With the joint location of the "House of Computing and Data Science" (HCDS), the "Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences" (CDCS) and the Center for Bioinformatics (ZBH), an interdisciplinary competence center is being created. The important future topic of Data Science is being expanded. To this end, the basic physics practical course has moved into modern learning and practical rooms in the building complex, which has also housed Science City InfoCenter since 2022. Space has also been created on four floors for the various fields of work.
"The Science City is alive"
For Hamburg's Science Senator Katharina Fegebank, this is an important milestone. Development is also progressing on the edges of the research campus DESY . "Science City is alive," Fegebank stated and added: "I am particularly pleased that more and more students are also on site with the physics internship and new bioinformatics seminar rooms."
Resource-saving conversion
The conversion of the building was carried out by Landesbetrieb Immobilienmanagement und Grundvermögen (LIG) of the Ministry of Finance together with the University of Hamburg. The interior of the building was completely modernized and adapted for modern teaching and research operations. "This is an example of how something great can be developed together from the existing building," said Finance Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel. The future of teaching and research at the University of Hamburg is clearly visible here.
Research that opens up to the outside world
Research projects such as the newly founded Center for Data and Computing in Natural Science (CDCS), presented by Prof. Dr. Matthias Rarey from Universität Hamburg's Center for Bioinformatics, and a platform for data protection-friendly machine learning in healthcare by Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Computer Science, prove that a location for interdisciplinary research, teaching and learning has been created here. The President of the University of Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren, also emphasized the opening of the location to the outside world, including interested citizens. The rooms for around 500 students and researchers are partly located directly in the open foyer of the building opposite Science City InfoCenter. Here, interested visitors can find out about the development of the district.